Effortless enrollments

We specialise in using sales psychology and online technologies to boost enrolment numbers and automate the process in order to save your time (and sometimes your school)

Learn How

How do we do it?


1: Interview

We start by talking to you (And a parent or two) to find out what really makes your school tick, why you are unique and why parents would want to bring their childrent o your school

2: Strategy

Once we know about your school, the demographics you are serving and where you are headed as a school. We construct a strategy around that information that will allow you to connect with the right families.

3: Create

With your strategy in place we design and develop the materials needed to meet your goals. This includes building your website, Automating your enrollment funnel and writing out-bound marketing communication.


4: Coach & Measure

Your digital marketing plan is in place, but for the best results you need to keep that ball rolling so we will provide two monthly follow up calls to answer any questions and ensure you are getting the most out of your system.

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Principal, Coral Coast Christian School